Moving from their headquarters in the Cultural District, the former diocesan building is being renovated as part of a $17-million campaign providing clients with mental health services and expanded medical services at their free health care center.
The nonprofit charity group is renovating a former office building located in downtown Pittsburgh to provide services, programs, and a variety of other resources.
Creating a new space for medical care, education and mental help for the vulnerable is the goal of the new Compassion Corner by Catholic Charities. It's located on the Boulevard of the Allies in Downtown Pittsburgh.
(FOX40.COM) — Saturday marks the one-year anniversary since David Breaux died as one of three victims in the Davis Stabbing killings. Breaux, 50, was killed on April 27 and Karim Abou Najm, 20, was killed on April 29. Kimberlee Gilroy, 65, was stabbed several times on May 1 but would survive. “A year ago, our […]