outright confusion. these are live pictures near moammar gadhafi s compound. there have been heavy battles raging around this building. carloads of people have been streaming out of the libyan capital. we want to bring in retired general james spider marks. if you could, tell us about what you are watching, what you are seeing. what do you make of the pictures? with the low level flying that is taking place, bombing gadhafi s compound? suzanne, what you see is obviously a representation of chaos and confusion on the ground. the fact that civilians are fleeing, coming out of tripoli should not be surprising. the rebels are about to force gadhafi s complete departure in some way. that may take hours, that may take days. we still could be a week or so away. but that type of confusion, of what happens next gets folks very, very nervous. they ve got the opportunity now to get out of town, and you re going to see them get out of town and let this thing settle out. i think you l