employee perks provider in north america. we are wondering how can we stay motivated and grow the business without big competitors. i love that question because when you have competitors you worry that people are nipping at your heels. if you don t you can get lazy and somebody sneaks up and you know what happens then. so how do you get that kind of fear almost when it doesn t exist? i think competition a great thing. it means there is a market and other people are going after it. if there is a situation you feel like there is not a competitor now you need to set milestones and compete against yourself a. good sway what is your north star, what are you trying to accomplish, your dream scenario. obviously you re not there yet and one step at a time like a ladder. that way you feel like you have to compete against yourself against a deadline to hit those steps on the ladder. that s a good idea. maybe you make up a competitor, pretend, company x entered our
look, aside from these numbers, these ugly numbers that we got today. a more relevant story for the unemployed americans out there. that is the landscape, the in a infrastructure has changed. companies have learned to be lean and mean and they re not going to necessarily replace your job. if you re spending time trying to replace that desk job that you had at company x, i think that s time wasted. you need to look at maybe bringing in extra revenue streams and contemporary jobs maybe. you call it being a gig miester. i got laid off in 2009 from a full-time, nice job. luckily i had been freelancing on the side, but that freelancing, i found, could really become my new career path. for a lot of americans, that is where they are finding peace and harmony in this very frightening job market. 22%, 23% growth in the overall job market. let me ask you about that. we, obviously, are coming on to the holiday season and hiring