A recent decision of Kawaley J sitting in the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (the “Grand Court”) has provided helpful clarification on what he described as a “legally significant”.
In a recent first-instance judgment handed down by Kawaley J on 21 April 2022 in The Matter of Formation Group (Cayman) Fund I LP, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has held that a.
In the recent judgment of In the Matter of Margara Shipping Limited (the “Margara Decision”) the Cayman Islands Grand Court provided some useful guidance on the basis on which a.
striking out of pleadings; and
judgments in default of
acknowledgment of service or defence.
Early Judgment Applications
Can a party apply for (i) early judgment on some or all of the
issues in dispute, or (ii) the other party s case to be struck
out before trial or substantive hearing of the claim? What is the
timing, applicable procedure and legal standard for such
Summary judgment
Both the plaintiff and the defendant can apply for summary
judgment on the other party s case under the provisions of
Order 14 of the Grand Court Rules. For the plaintiff this can be a