The Claw Fountain (Photo: ELLIE WONG/The Stanford Daily)
on May 6, 2021
For most of the Class of 2024, there were no tearful goodbyes to parents or first-time fountain hopping excursions last September.
Instead, fall quarter took place within the confines of home, where computer cables cluttered childhood bedrooms and GroupMe became the new hub for Stanford social life, or in Airbnb rentals, scattered across the country.
Then there is Caterina Zampa ’24, whose entire first year has been spent living at Stanford 5,852 miles from home.
Zampa’s status as an international student from Switzerland made her eligible for a coveted spot as one of 1,500 undergraduates approved to live on campus this academic year. Among those ranks are students on athletic teams and those with approved special circumstances.
As students continue to host in-person gatherings in off- and on-campus locations, Penn Police Department officers responding to the parties are voicing concerns over contracting the virus while on the job.