Looking for a job or want to make a job change? It may be a bit harder to find one in Kentucky based on a recent study from the personal-finance website WalletHub.
Kentucky Ranks Worst for Jobs in Recent Study
Looking for a job or want to make a job change? It may be a bit harder to find one in The Commonwealth based on a recent study from the personal-finance website WalletHub.com. South Dakota comes in the number one spot for job seekers and Indiana ranks 39th.
Is Kentucky the worst place to go job hunting in the country? According to this newly released report, it is indeed. WalletHub compared the 50 states across 35 key indicators of job-market strength, opportunity, and economic vitality. The data set ranges from employment growth to median annual income to average commute time.
South Dakota At the Top of Yet Another Prestigious List
Who is sitting at the top of
WalletHub s latest study of the Best & Worst States for Jobs in 2021? South Dakota, that s who!
To come to this conclusion, once again, those number crunchers at WalletHub used a variety of criteria to compare all 50 states.
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The two key dimensions they looked at were A) Job Market and B) Economic Environment.
Included under the first section was; job opportunities, employment growth, unemployment & underemployment rates, variety of industries, risk of job loss to automation, job satisfaction, access to employer-based retirement programs and benefits, and worker protection, among others.