Island stakeholders voiced support for proposed legislation designating Captiva as a conservation area, while also expressing continued opposition to county-pro
To the editor: Last month a state review examined Lee County’s special exemption for Captiva’s South Seas Island Resort from long-standing hotel density l
On Dec. 6, the Lee County Board of County Commissioners will have the opportunity to correct a serious policy mistake. They can vote “no” on any motion to e
Some people who live along a future bike lane in downtown Fredericton say they feel like they weren’t consulted before a decision was made to build it on their street.
“This year’s House Bill 359 and its companion Senate Bill 540 include many disastrous provisions. One would entitle prevailing parties to recover attorney fees and costs in challenges to comprehensive plans and plan amendments, which again could be in the millions of dollars. These mandatory fee-shifting provisions are an assault on the public’s right to