ALEXANDRIA, Va. (June 1, 2023) – The National Community Pharmacists Association is pleased to announce these upcoming events for pharmacists and pharmacy team members:
Help your pharmacies grow their non-PBM revenue with the NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship an executive MBA-like program that showcases outstanding pharmacy peers who will walk participants through implementing successful services that generate revenue beyond dispensing. The first 20 member pharmacies to enroll by July 31 will be eligible to receive a $3,750 rebate upon completion of the program by August 2024 (rules and regulations apply).
NCPA is hosting a virtual open house on May 10 for its NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN® Community Pharmacy Fellowship. The fellowship, sponsored by Good Neighbor Pharmacy, is an intensive 12-month training program aiming to help pharmacy teams grow non-PBM revenue streams and advance practice transformation. Join this live general interest meeting and get answers to frequently asked questions. Learn more and register. Fellowship enrollment ends July 31.
The NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship is open to all pharmacists, from new grads to industry veterans, but did you know that enrolling can help you grow your non-PBM revenue?
The NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship, sponsored by Good Neighbor Pharmacy, is an intensive 12-month training program open to all practicing pharmacists working at a community pharmacy. The fall class begins in September and enrollment ends on July 31. Pharmacies can specifically hire a fellow or enroll a current employee in the fellowship to participate in regular discussion groups with their co-fellows and webinars on the topics of management, patient care, and practice management.