Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. My name is michael kugelman, the senior associate for south asia with the Wilson Centers asian program. Thank you all for coming. Before forget i just want to thank our institutional cosponsors which are the middle east program and also the Wilson Centers global womens leadership initiative. I also wanted to welcome those of doing this on cspan. As you all know afghanistan is experiencing a great period of uncertainty. International combat troops have left a fragile new unity government is in place. The taliban has been ramping up its attacks of late including in kabul. And once again and there are rumors of buttons to start these talks between the Afghan Government and the taliban. In recent days the chinese reportedly hosted taliban and Afghan Government representatives for informal discussions about the possibility of talks. This all makes for very tenuous time in afghanistan but also and especially for afghan women. Even the horrific track
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 5:00 PM Town Hall10 Main Street, Summerton, SC 29148
I. Call to order . Mayor Tony Junious
II. Invocation . Councilmember Regina Brown
III. Notification to …