As mentioned in our “Morning Reads,” Mayor de Blasio is announcing this morning that the city will be spending $130 million to improve small parks in low income neighborhoods. The mayor’s office has not released the complete funding list just yet, but we have some additional details about the impact on the Lower East Side. […]
More to come following the mayor’s press conference…
UPDATE 12:45 P.M. For more details about the mayor’s new Community Parks Initiative, click here. A few points that caught our eye:
“More than 70 new seasonal recreational programming and maintenance staff will activate and improve parks in all Community Parks Initiative communities.”
“NYC Parks will rebuild 35 community parks. Each of these capital – or major physical improvement – projects will be
developed with community input on the design principles and program. With your help, we will re-create the following community parks.”
“Parks will carry out many smaller-scale park improvement projects that can be completed on a faster schedule and bring immediate results to communities. Targeted improvement projects will happen throughout the Community Park Initiative zones, which are the areas that are shaded in gray on the map.”