I can give them to you. I can go ahead and take them. Reporter they missed a bunch. Maybe you want to take a look in addition to what i wrote down. Okay. But its nothing too major. There are a couple that may have confused the meaning a little bit of the sentence. For the most part, you can figure what it is and theyre bad for the agreement, and some of the tenses werent right. This doesnt preclude us from approving minutes, does it . Other than that, sure. With the correction of the typos, but no material changes. Yes. Public comment . Seeing none, well move on oh, sorry. Ill move to approve the minutes with the corrections that brian has recommended. Second. Any other objections . Any objection . Seeing none. Moving on to item number 4, presentation from various departments regarding the 2000, 2008, and 2012 park bonds and actions by the committee in response to such presentation. Good morning committee members. My name is im the director of Capital Planning for recreation and Parks
With possible modifications of the minutes of the august 26th, 2019, meeting. Minutes, any objections . I dont have objections, but i did note a lot of typos in there. I marked several of them up, and i can give them to you. I can go ahead and take them. Reporter they missed a bunch. Maybe you want to take a look in addition to what i wrote down. Okay. But its nothing too major. There are a couple that may have confused the meaning a little bit of the sentence. For the most part, you can figure what it is and theyre bad for the agreement, and some of the tenses werent right. This doesnt preclude us from approving minutes, does it . Other than that, sure. With the correction of the typos, but no material changes. Yes. Public comment . Seeing none, well move on oh, sorry. Ill move to approve the minutes with the corrections that brian has recommended. Second. Any other objections . Any objection . Seeing none. Moving on to item number 4, presentation from various departments regarding th
I did note a lot of typos in there. I marked several of them up, and i can give them to you. I can go ahead and take them. Reporter they missed a bunch. Maybe you want to take a look in addition to what i wrote down. Okay. But its nothing too major. There are a couple that may have confused the meaning a little bit of the sentence. For the most part, you can figure what it is and theyre bad for the agreement, and some of the tenses werent right. This doesnt preclude us from approving minutes, does it . Other than that, sure. With the correction of the typos, but no material changes. Yes. Public comment . Seeing none, well move on oh, sorry. Ill move to approve the minutes with the corrections that brian has recommended. Second. Any other objections . Any objection . Seeing none. Moving on to item number 4, presentation from various departments regarding the 2000, 2008, and 2012 park bonds and actions by the committee in response to such presentation. Good morning committee members. My
All, neither the commission nor staff will respond during Public Comment. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment and that is item 4. If the fire alarms evacuate, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion. Please note the elevators will return to the first floor and are not available for use. If you need assistance out of the building make your way to the closest area of refuge which is directly across the hall in the mens washroom. Put the button on the speaker phone and staff will assist you. We are at item 2, president s report. President buell it is appropriate to welcome ashley summers, our new secretary of the commission. [ applause ]. Thank you. President buell were very fortunate in that ashley was legislative aide to supervisor katie tang and she worked in the Mayors Office and was a past member of prozak and even did some work for the recreat
Public comment and that is item 4. If the fire alarms evacuate, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion. Please note the elevators will return to the first floor and are not available for use. If you need assistance out of the building make your way to the closest area of refuge which is directly across the hall in the mens washroom. Put the button on the speaker phone and staff will assist you. We are at item 2, president s report. President buell it is appropriate to welcome ashley summers, our new secretary of the commission. [ applause ]. Thank you. President buell were very fortunate in that ashley was legislative aide to supervisor katie tang and she worked in the Mayors Office and was a past member of prozak and even did some work for the recreation and Park Department in the past. So weve got a real pro and we welcome her aboard. She has very big shoes to fill. On that note this is probably margarets last meeting here, but were going to drag her back at a future meetin