Contract with ucsf will cost estimated 341,919,891, over the nine to ten years and dph and anticipates the savings of 160 million. And from the discontinuation of the existing systems, and reduced to the growth in the cost for the services which will result in the total net cost of 181 million. And for the contract. And again that is shown in the table two. On page, 19, of our report, we do know that a competitive request for the proposals and process will insure that all eligible vendors are able to apply and strengthen the citys after ability to secure the most qualified price for the needed services. And our recommendations on page 20, recommend that you amend the proposal that dph, issue a request for the proposals. If dph is unable to attain the sufficient assurances that ucsf will be able to meet the criteria, and we consider it as amended to be the policy matter for the board of supervisors. Thank you, there rose. No other questions, we will open it up to Public Comment. I have
Here. Commissioner low. Here. Commissioner bonilla here. Commissioner harrison. Here. Commissioner levitan here. And commissioner mcdonnell. Here. A new few announcements this is the april 21st of the recreation and Park Commission and we welcome everyone here today, but ask that you turn off any soundproducing devices that could go off during the meeting. We also ask that you take any secondary conversations outside, in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. If you would like to speak on an item today, please complete a blue cad, and unless otherwise announce by the president , each person has 3 minutes for Public Comment on each item. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda, and is under the subjectmatter jurisdiction you may speak on item 4. There will be a 15minute limit on item 4, but it will be continued to item 14. Last, please address all your comments to the commission during Public Comment on items. In order to allow equal time f
Those first and then open up to everyone on each item. How many minutes do you want . General Public Comment. Because we have 15 minutes in the first period lets give 3 minutes and well look at other items. 3 minutes on general Public Comment and then he will see how many people want to testify. During Public Comments the commission nor staff will respond to Public Comment while it is going on. Commissioners may ask staff to respond when comment is closed. We go to ititem 2. This will be brief. Many heard my say over the years 220 parks in San Francisco that everybody has a opinion and rarey do two people agree. Having said that the chamber of commerce in the survey of services enSan Francisco reported that the San Francisco Recreation Park Department had the highest rating of approval in San Francisco at 70 percent positive rating with only 14 percent voicing discontunt so i would like to give my congrat ulations to general manager and staff for do a extraordinary job. Any Public Comm
Secretary please call the roll. Commissioner buell. Here. Commissioner low. Here. Commissioner bonilla here. Commissioner harrison. Here. Commissioner levitan here. And commissioner mcdonnell. Here. A new few announcements this is the april 21st of the recreation and Park Commission and we welcome everyone here today, but ask that you turn off any soundproducing devices that could go off during the meeting. We also ask that you take any secondary conversations outside, in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. If you would like to speak on an item today, please complete a blue card, and unless otherwise announce by the president , each person has 3 minutes for Public Comment on each item. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda, and is under the subjectmatter jurisdiction you may speak on item 4. There will be a 15minute limit on item 4, but it will be continued to item 14. Last, please address all your comments to the commission during Pu
This morning an earthquake drill. It will appear that we are all going to have to leave city hall around 10 30 a. M. This is a surprise. I dont know the to let everyone around the world. Act surprised with the bells go off. With that, that concludes my president s report. Would anyone like to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. When there is an evacuation, if anyone needs assistance you should go right across the hall to room 417. We are now on Public Comment. Does anyone wish to make general Public Comment . Being none, this item is closed. We are on item 5 on the calendar. Would anyone like to make Public Comment on this consent calendar. With that amendment, so moved. Moved and seconded. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . So moved. Tonya is here. We are on item 6. San francisco zoo. Sorry, i didnt see you come in. I will make this quick. We are doing the shake out at the zoo as well. Do the animals have to leave too . They can go to room 417 as well. Okay, let me