the community has to go through this period of shock, disbelief and feeling of betrayal and that process needs to be allowed to happen. i mean, a lot of the community members do feel betrayed, especially members of the african-american community in vancouver who were wrongfully profiled, stalked and accused and bethany did a lot of damage with this lie. jenna: certainly a lot more to this story, mark. we patient you joining us and telling us about your experience with it. mark is a reporter for the vancouver voice and one of the first ones that kind of caught on to the fact that this story was not adding up. of course, some of the questions that remain are why did she do this. we re going to be talking to dr. keith ablow coming up and maybe get an explanation about why someone would choose to do something like this and hopefully get you some answers as well. jon. jon: strange is an understatement in that story. a big economic issue weighs on democrats this election season. the bush t