The University of Virginia’s School of Architecture has announced the appointment of C.L. Bohannon, PhD, ALSA, as its first Associate Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (AD JEDI), effective July 25, 2022. He joins the faculty as Associate Professor in the Landscape Architecture.
Six Vermont arts organizations received a total of $500,000 in federal funds through the American Rescue Plan Act. The awards were announced Thursday by the.
Juniper Creative Will Kasso Condry of Juniper Creative Arts in Brandon applies paint to the project at the Addison County Parent Child Center earlier this month. The artist and his wife, Jennifer Herrera Condry, advised and helped PCC participants design and create the mural that now graces the center’s house in Middlebury. Independent photos/Steve James 05/18/2021 MIDDLEBURY Women at the Addison County Parent Child Center pooled their artistic visions to produce a mural celebrating racial equality. The painting that graces a stairwell at the Middlebury center features a mother and baby at the center of the natural world, surrounded by flowers and butterflies.