Kota Kinabalu: The government should carry out dredging or deepening works in river mouth of Sungai Likas which is shallow now so as to help provide conducive surroundings for over 100 traditional fishermen for a better livelihood.
CITY HALL is cracking down on homeowners who pile up rubbish inside their compounds, or outside their fences, as these discarded objects have the potential to become a breeding ground for Aedes mosquitoes.
Kota Kinabalu: The Community Development and People’s Wellbeing Ministry has established a hospital and clinic issues coordination committee that would discuss Sabah’s healthcare services and needs.
KUNAK: Victims of the recent Kg Kunak Tiga fire which razed six houses may apply for the Rumah Mesra Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) or the Hardcore Poor Housing Programme (PPRT) through the Ministry of Rural Development (KPLB).