On which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 32 House Resolution 460. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 2722 to protect elections for Public Office by providing Financial Support and enhanced security for the infrastructure used to carry out such elections around for other purposes. Waiving a requirement of clause 6a of rule 13 with respect to consideration of certain rules reported from the committee on rules and providing for consideration of bill h. R. 3351 making appropriations for Financial Services and general government for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any us
Senate committee on banking, housing and urban affairs will come to order. Today is a hybrid format. Our witnesses are in this person but members have the option to appear in person or virtually to consider the nominations of dr. Lael brainard to be vice chair of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve system. And acting director Sandra Thompson to be director of the federal Housing Finance agency. Its amazing what a difference a year makes. We have today safe and effective vaccines that are saving lives, that are getting people back to work. 207 million americans have fully vaccinated. In 2021 we added 6. 4 million new jobs, more in any year since 1939. Workers are demanding raises. Theyre finally getting them. Theyre changing jobs at record rates because people finally have some options. The past year has illustrated our economy works best when it works for everyone, not just wall street, not just the top 1 . Everyone. Whether you punch a clock or raise children or care for an
Senate committee on banking, housing and urban affairs will come to order. Today is a hybrid format. Our witnesses are in this person but members have the option to appear in person or virtually to consider the nominations of dr. Lael brainard to be vice chair of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve system. And acting director Sandra Thompson to be director of the federal Housing Finance agency. Its amazing what a difference a year makes. We have today safe and effective vaccines that are saving lives, that are getting people back to work. 207 million americans have fully vaccinated. In 2021 we added 6. 4 million new jobs, more in any year since 1939. Workers are demanding raises. Theyre finally getting them. Theyre changing jobs at record rates because people finally have some options. The past year has illustrated our economy works best when it works for everyone, not just wall street, not just the top 1 . Everyone. Whether you punch a clock or raise children or care for an
Senate committee on banking, housing and urban affairs will come to order. Well consider dr. Lael brainard to be vice chair of the board of governors. And acting director Sandra Thompson to be director of the federal Housing Finance agency. It is amazing what a difference a year makes. We have today safe and effective vaccines that are saving lives that are getting people back to work. 207 million american americans are back fully vaccinated. Our economy has weathered the storm and rebounded in 2021 we added a record 6. 4 million new jobs, more than any year since 1939. It isnt just the jobs numbers. It is the quality of those jobs. Workers demanding raises are finally getting them. They are changing jobs at record rates because people finally have some options. The past year has illustrated our economy works best when it works for everyone. Not just wallace. Not just the top 1 . Everyone. Whether you punch a clock or swipe a badge, whether you earn a salary or make tips. Whether you r
Senate committee on banking, housing and urban affairs will come to order. Today is a hybrid format. Our witnesses are in this person but members have the option to appear in person or virtually to consider the nominations of dr. Lael brainard to be vice chair of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve system. And acting director Sandra Thompson to be director of the federal Housing Finance agency. Its amazing what a difference a year makes. We have today safe and effective vaccines that are saving lives, that are getting people back to work. 207 million americans have fully vaccinated. In 2021 we added 6. 4 million new jobs, more in any year since 1939. Workers are demanding raises. Theyre finally getting them. Theyre changing jobs at record rates because people finally have some options. The past year has illustrated our economy works best when it works for everyone, not just wall street, not just the top 1 . Everyone. Whether you punch a clock or raise children or care for an