2020 DC Community Christmas Drive a success
Staff report
Members of the 2020 Darke County Community Christmas Drive steering committee are Frank Marchal (Co-Chairman), Lisa Gasper, Jim Morehouse (Co-Chairman), Mike Boyer, Sharon Fellers, Marty Schipfer, Doug Klinsing, Chris Raffel, and Kristy Cutarelli (not pictured, Christy Bugher). Funds collected through this past year’s Christmas Drive will help Darke County residents in need.
Carol Marsh | Darke County Media
DARKE COUNTY Despite the challenges associated with the pandemic, the 2020 Darke County Community Christmas Drive was quite successful once again as there was a grand total of $43,566.54 collected. The total was the highest ever, surpassing the previous high of $32,091.61 in 2018.