Critical and necessary changes that we have the Critical Response to the Domestic Violence in San Francisco and let me just give you a few of those highlights etch of which is not more important than the other and each stands alone with great importance. And one, we have been able to achieve the greater accountability for Domestic Violence, offenders and working with the probation department, and and the others to achieve this end and we have exexpanded Language Access for Domestic Violence survivor and that means, working collaboratively with the Police Department and the department of Emergency Management and making sure that we are able to respond and identify those bi lingual officers, who can provide Critical Response, and we significantly increased investments in services to women and survivors of violence and their families. And the city did provide increased funding for Community Based Domestic Violence agencies with a particular focus on at risk populations. Such as the lgbt q
This is, and it is really important the moments when you do something when no one is watching and not m response because it is the right thing to do. We did it in october. And the giants are in the world. , they are in the National League championship series. I got ahead of myself. And that is all right. Line item 8, Public Comment on all matters pertaining to item ten below, closed session, including Public Comment on vote whether to hold item ten in closed session. Ladies and gentlemen, we will go into closed session to deal with matters that are protected by the provisions of the california law, is there any Public Comment on that. Hearing none, we will go into closed session, thank you everyone. Thank you, everybody and i know that it is late. Thank you so much. I need a vote. Could i get a motion. So moved. Second. All in favor. Aye. I need to call it. Okay. Item nine, vote on whether to hold item ten in closed session. Action n. So moved again. Second all of those in favor. Aye.
And now, it is having suffered three, even though we are in a record low, homicide, here, almost ten percent and better than ten percent of the homicides that have occurred in San Francisco, have been Domestic Violence related. And we continue to provide the assessment for the training for the Police Officers and increased the limited accomplish training because we dont want somebodys inbility to communicate in english to be a deter and we want to insure that all survivors that San Francisco is a sanctuary city and that there is status in the United States will never be called into question and they need to report, because again, there is no excuse for Domestic Violence upon anybody. Our special victims unit continues to thrive without 16 additional investigators to the special victims unit just in the calendar year, 2014. And the things for most as we see it work here best in San Francisco and as we continued to have the Domestic Violence advocates located in the special victims unit
President of the Police Commission, loftus, and many others, help me Welcome Police chief greg suhr. Thank you and on every marked Police Vehicle in the San Francisco Police Department there is one Bumper Sticker and on the back of every single car as you see the Police Vehicles traveling around and it simply says that there is no excuse for Domestic Violence. And because, there is not. And much has been made in the National Media about how come this happened and that happened and how about just no, there is no excuse, period, for the Domestic Violence. And the San Francisco Police Department is a critical piece of that as we respond to any calls for Domestic Violence in San Francisco and as the mayor pointed out, we did enjoy a period of some 40 plus months where there were no dow mist i can violence homicides in San Francisco. And now, it is having suffered three, even though we are in a record low, homicide, here, almost ten percent and better than ten percent of the homicides that
Hopefully, we will be a part of their education and they will adopt what we do here today, and they will look forward and they will see, not only 44 months, but they will see 44 years of no Domestic Violence, how about that for our kids . [ applause ] i also want to give a shout out to everybody who worked on this justice and encourage panel that was started some 12 years ago. When we asked them to assemble to go through all of the work that we have not done and what we should do, and the private sector and the Public Sector with the city agencies and with the nonprofits and with advocacy and they came up with 121 recommendations for us. And i am proud to say that today that we have our final evaluation report for those 12 years work that we have been doing to tackle these 121 recommendations and this final report, is a part of the reflection of the work that we have been doing and i just want to say a big, big thank you to everyone who has been working on that panel and everybody, and