but i don t think any vehicle holds enough air to survive for four or five days. and that s how long it s going to take before they can even get to some of the cars. there s a jeep liberty upside down up there and a 34-foot motor home was 34 feet and now i can touch the wheel base. it s crumbled like somebody crumpled a ball of paper. reporter: the searchers are just beginning to scratch the surface here. a lot of the people i talked, to including some local clergy, say they are moving from hope to acceptance and grieving. if there is any glimpse of light and warmth here to seeing how this tight little community bands together, there s a gathering tonight at a community center as they try to raise money to bury the ones they lost her and pull together. between this story and the flight, erin, it s a reminder to find the ones you love, and hug them while you ve got them.
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