Intercepted calls, intercepted communications and reported the nsa captured calls and then asked the fbi to collect as much information as possible. My time is up so i will say this for this round. I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified informati information. Is it . Oh, yes. Sure, its a serious crime. Im not going to comment on those particular articles because i dont want to in any circumstance compound a criminal act but confirming that it was class footd. Its a serious crime and it should be for the reasons you said. Ill yield to director schiff. Mr. Comey, i want to begin by attempting to put it rest several claims by President Trump about his predecessor. I want to ask you about wha the president said and ask you whether there was any truth to it. First the president claimed, quote, terrible, just found out that obama had my wires tapped in trump tower just before the victory. Nothing found this is mccartyism. Was the present state that obama had his wires tap
Intercepted calls, intercepted communications, and recorded the nsa captured calls and then asked the fbi to collect as much information as possible. My time is up, so i will save this for this round. I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified informati information. Is it . Oh, yes, sure. Its a serious crime. Im not going to comment on those particular articles because i dont want to in any circumstance compound a criminal act by confirming that it was classified information. But in general, yes, its a serious crime, and it should be for the reasons you said. Well take it back up next round, mr. Chairman. The gentleman yields back. Ill yield 15 minutes to mr. Schiff. Director comey, i want to begin by attempting to put to rest several claims made by the president about his predecessor, namely that president Obama Wiretapped his phones. So that we can be precise, i want to refer you to exactly what the president said and ask you whether there is any truth to it. First, t
Well, hallie, thats the tricky part here because this bill has been written in secret to the point that you had republicans complain that they dont know whats in it. Mike lee put out a facebook video yesterday and conservative member from utah especially saying, hey, im supposed to be one of the small group of 13 people writing this bill and i dont know whats in it. Now, the reality is that there are some members who have been very involved in crafting it. Bill cassidy of louisiana and i think we may have some sound to play of him from morning joe this morning. He is somebody who clearly has a sense of what the contours are. Thats partly because he is one of those people that Mitch Mcconnell really needs to make sure that he knows is going to vote for this before they put it on. I apologize. I dont think we have that sound of cassidy. But he was somebody who was very vocal about his concerns. So, it is very clear that the leadership that are writing and working on this bill know exactl
I inadvertently skipped mr. Rooney for his own five minutes. So, mr. Rooney for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Director, i want to say that i have been up to the agency to review those documents that you had referred to before, and i look forward to talking about the information therein in our closed session. I also want to mention something that we had talked with admiral rogers and mr. Comey for in our last, or two open sessions ago, from the intelligence, house intelligence committee. Its one that sort of got a lot of hoopla on tv with regard to our side of the aisle here trying to make a diversionary tactic when we talk about the importance of what leaks do with our Intelligence Community, and i just want to ask you if you agree with admiral rogers that when highlevel Intelligence Community officials i think some news reports had almost 20 people leaking classified information to the press if you agree with admiral rogers that that kind of leaking with our ability to ha
Chuck berry or Jimmy Breslin . Yeah. Heres a hint. I met him on a park bench in manhattan. Im going to be with Jimmy Breslin. Yeah, Jimmy Breslin. He is quite amazing. Im going to tell that story tonight on Facebook Live after the show. Jimmy breslin is going it get the last word tonight, special words from Jimmy Breslin directly to donald trump, both of them, by the way, from queens. Two guys from queens turned out very different. Well, one of the greats. I look forward to it. Thanks, rachel. Thanks, man. Today the resistance came to congress as we witnessed the first ever congressional hearing about a tweet. The fbi is investigating the russian governments efforts to interfere in the 2016 president ial election. Russia, if youre listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. And whether there was any coordination between the campaign and russias efforts. The answer is continues to be no. And at some point, take no for an answer. Is Paul Manafort a subject in