Each person will have three minutes for Public Comment on each item. Please address your comment goes to the commission during Public Comment. For equal time Neither Commission nor staff will respond, commission may ask questions of staff after Public Comment is closed. If you have an item not on the agenda under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission you may speak under general Public Comment in item 4. Please note if the fire alarms activate you must evacuate the building. If you need assistance make the way to the closest area across the hall in the mens rest room. There is a speaker box. Press it and the city hall security will answer. They will assist you. We are on item 2. President s report. I will be brief. I like to read emails that talk about the parks. This is to the general manager. I wanted to say thank you. I love my Neighborhood Parks. The San Francisco park and Rec Department does a fantastic job. I love how there is a park nearby no matter what neighborhood.
Disabilities and Adult Services meeting. May i have the secretary take the roll. [ roll call ] executive director mcfadden is present. At this time, we ask you silence all sound producing devices and cell phones. May i have a motion to approve the agenda. So moved. Do we have a second . Any discuss in all in favor. Any opposed . Motion carries. May i have a motion to approve the february 5th, 2020, Meeting Minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted
Meeting minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted in the army where i volunteers to be a member of the paratrooper unit, and after training, i was assigned to kentucky with 101st airborne division. In 1967, my division was deployed to vietnam. Luckily, i returned in november 1968, with all my fingers and my toes. I took advantage of the gi bill and completed a degree in criminology. I then joined the San Francisco Police Department where i served
roll call . This is the recrd Park Commission meeting februar. Welcome to everyone today. We remind you to please turn off Electronic Devices and take your conversations outside. If you would like to speak today we request you complete a blue card. Each person will have three minutes for Public Comment on each item. Please address your comment goes to the commission during Public Comment. For equal time Neither Commission nor staff will respond, commission may ask questions of staff after Public Comment is closed. If you have an item not on the agenda under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission you may speak under general Public Comment in item 4. Please note if the fire alarms activate you must evacuate the building. If you need assistance make the way to the closest area across the hall in the mens rest room. There is a speaker box. Press it and the city hall security will answer. They will assist you. We are on item 2. President s report. I will be brief. I like to read
Supervisors from the district. Yee, district 8, supervisor mandelman which includes the glen park and Diamond Heights area, and also district 9, supervisor ronen, district 10, supervisor walton from the Visitacion Valley and sunnydale area and the largest district 11, supervisor safai, which includes excelsior and Outer Mission areas. I have 34 schools in the district which include balboa high school, leadership, reardon, city college. The population is roughly 139,000. Desk grams are africanamericans 4. 2 percent, asians, 21 percent, latin, 25 percent, other is 12. S 31. 3 percent. On to the next slide. Staffing overview. I have 128 in my personnel of which 120 are sworn, five are p. S. A. , Police Service aids and three civilians. I have five lieutenants, 20 sergeants, 90 officers, four recruits. Currently i have one s. R. O. , a School Resource officer, i have two foot beat officers, one on the Mission Geneva corridor and one on leeland street corridor. I have hopes of increasing on