Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, who is currently serving as vice president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, will visit Taiwan next week, the party announces in a move that will likely trigger a harsh backlash from China.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, who is currently serving as vice president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, will visit Taiwan next week, the party announced Friday in a move that triggered a backlash from China. Aso, 82, will be the highest-ranking LDP member to visit Taiwan, a self-ruled…
Japan's support would be the most important to the United States among its allies for defending Taiwan in the event of Chinese aggression, according to a U.S. think tank. Given its geographic limitations, the United States would have to rely on support from allies in the Asia-Pacific region, and "above…
Japan's support would be the most important to the United States among its allies for defending Taiwan in the event of Chinese aggression, according to a U.S. think tank. Given its geogra