German defense ministry. More than 280 people will receive belarusian passports. The head of state signed a decree about citizenship. Millions of armfuls of tulips grew. Belarusian Flower Growers are ready for the spring holiday. The Womens Movement in belarus has become a force in society that cannot be ignored. And the purpose of motherhood, Alexander Lukashenko is sure. By raising children to be patriots, mothers strengthen the country. The state will henceforth support motherhood and childhood. No matter how the circumstances develop, support will be provided in full. This also applies to the development of medicine in general and Financial Support from the state for families with children, in in particular. All mothers and those preparing to become them are concerned about the question will the state continue to support motherhood and childhood . Do you feel the essence of this correctly . Question, this is a very expensive business, we are the most social state, we probably have
Dallas had beaten the San Francisco 49ers to play in the super bowl the city was celebrating detroits suffered a concussion jebus sitting in a dark room in the hospital and looked at me and said where am i . I said you were in the hospital and had a concussion. Did i win the game . Did i play today . What does that mean . Were going to the super bowl into a tent. Five minutes later he lifted me and said where am i . Why am i here . Did we win the game . I almost thought he was joking. This went on 10 minutes later finally i wrote down and up piece of paper and it terrified me and it was a crisis of conscience because if my work with athletes was to enhance their lives then how was a constant how could i enable the players to do an activity that with the touche dementia lead to dementia . Dementia. So, we issued a white paper and not much changed. We did it again in 2005 at the institute and then we have robert and kevin and a whole series that have been with me on this from the start.
Women in combat, but its also their changing roles in war and the ever present danger of Sexual Assault and harassment and the stress on daily lives, families and relationships, when they come back home. But the overall take away from the book is much greater than that. I was wondering what you hope to address through telling these three stories of these three women . You know, i think what i was hoping to address and what i wound up addressing might be two Different Things. At the outset, really, outset, really, i think what i was hoping to address was may be, there was this Huge Division in our society and i just saw two authors walkin who have written books who are both veterans and novelists and their books are really amazing and i hope you have a chance to check them out. I think they are speaking later this afternoon. At 330. I think i was hoping to address a really big question between civilians and military mindsets. I put myself in the camp that ignorant group of people with c
15month low. Australia cutting rates, auto sales on the way. Roadmap begins with tim cook. He joined jim on mad money last night covered everything from innovation to china to revenue to the companys value. Global data driving futures. Well tell you what to expect on wall street today. And shares of aig down in the premarket after earnings. Peter hancock will join us live. First up, tim cook defending app apples latest results and the stock mired in a slump. He was on with mad money last night. If you talk about macroheadwinds, difficult compares dominant. Yeah. Currency, no new iteration yet. If youre going to be opportunistic wouldnt you say let all the hedge funds blow it out and then well make a statement . Well, opportunistic to me means you buy it when you think the companys undervalued. We believe the companys undervalued. All right. I got to get your thoughts on what he said and whether it changed your view in any way, whether it should change other peoples views. I think if yo
Who are freezing can admire your shorts and tshirts and silently curse you. Speaking of the tucson festival of books, we have bill minor here today, one of the visionaries. Give him a round of applause. Very much a volunteerdriven effort a group of people bill and many others who made a big impact on the community. If you want to be part of that, i hope you will consider becoming a friend of the festival. A tax deductible donation that impacts this event and were moting around the country. Let me introduce the panel. David maraniss author of many books, he was won several wards prince of tennessee about al gore books about sports in the 1960s, and other political books as well. So please welcome him. [applause] if you are political aware and not living under a rock you know about mark levitch and his book this town that caused a lot of stir and conversation. Number one New York Times best seller followed up with a collection of his fantastic articles over the years called sitcitizen ci