Experts discuss the idea that, while symptoms of Crohn’s disease (CD) contribute to a patient’s quality of life, symptom control alone is not sufficient and the focus should be modifying the disease process.
The general practice pharmacist (GPP) role in Australia is evolving. A pilot GPP model of care developed to optimize medicines for patients at risk of medicine-related harm was evaluated. The aims of this study were 2-fold: to evaluate the GPP model of care on medicines optimization, with a focus on deprescribing, in a population at risk of harm due to their medicines, or clinical condition, and to explore the perspectives of study participants. This single practice study involved two phases. Phase 1 (September 2019-May 2020): at risk patients were referred to the GPP for medication reconciliation, recommendations for optimization, and when appropriate, deprescribing support, especially for opioids. Medication plans were developed with patients, GPs, and the GPP. Quantitative data collected from patient records included demographics, discrepancies, medicines reviewed, GPP recommendations and uptake, and medicines deprescribed. Opioid-related data included dose changes from baseline, at
Joseph M. Coney, MD, FACS, reviews best practices for improving adherence to treatment among patients with diabetic macular edema through comprehensive education on the disease and available therapies.
Experts discuss strategies that can be employed to communicate the significance of yearly flu vaccines to patients and improve patient- centered care offered by pharmacists.