this happened. obviously only just as i ve been on the phone has the public been told they can move back to their office building. perhaps that s signaling the incident here is over. to be clear, because the phone just cut out when you said that. are you hearing that people are being given the all clear to return? at the moment, people have just in the last few seconds been given the signal [ inaudible ] where i am but obviously [ inaudible ] around the entire precinct, the westminster station has been closed and there s a lockdown situation at the moment. have you been allowed to leave, or are you still under lockdown? we re not leaving the building. we re just being moved to another area. there s a sense that perhaps there is still something ongoing nearby and we re being moved to some sort of place of safety. although we are still inside. the entrances have been closed to keep us all in and safe.
going to sweep that building from top to bottom. just to be on the safe side. they ll link up on the outside. and they ll push their way in and until they can meet the security force on the inside, they can guarantee them that no salters came in i m just getting word. associated press is saying that the leader of the house of commons has said that a police officer was stabbed outside of parliament. police officer was stabbed outside of parliament. this would square with what kelly s reporting was a few moments ago where she said witnesses said they saw someone in an altercation with a police officer pulling a knife and then they believe someone was shot. now we don t know whether that s the shooting that everybody is referring to or there was another shooting because there seemed to be reports of other another shooting somewhere else that would seem like a different area. but as you point out very clearly, two things. one is, in a tight urban area like that with buildings, one
we don t know if it s two locations or one. the latest we re getting is the bbc reporting that the leader of the house of commons, that s the parliament, said anallied assailant was shot by armed police in london. how unusual would it be for there to be people, civilians with firearms anywhere around iame, malcm? as i analyze the information, what i sort of understood is there s an individual confronted toward the edge of the bridge just as you re approaching parliament. most likely, the armed operation was probably on the part of the police. it would be very hard. it s very rare for an armed shooting inside of england that s not a shotgun or something along those lines. but there would be armed officers all around that perimeter. certainly leading into the parliament area. and they may have seen this assailant, whether he was armed with a knife or gun. that hasn t been confirmed yet. they would have engaged him right there at the end of that bridge. we re getting a little more inf
streets now. so, obviously, the area is still a kind of security zone at this particular moment. did you hear gunshots? one or twice but it s difficult because there was a great deal of screaming and chaos, but, yes, probably once or twice. the picture you re looking at, we re showing our viewers we do not know if it was from the police officers or the so-called, potential suspect. all i can tell you for your own viewers, very chaotic. there s a great deal of confusion. no one knows that this we ve seen some bodies on the bridge. it s very difficult to know, you know, even a suspect car. that s why they are sealing the streets around the parliament. we re moving further and further from the parliament down because the police officers are really
situation for us there. i understand fawaz gerges is outside. are you outside of parliament or inside parliament right now? yes, i m outside the parliament. tell me what you can see. tell me what you understand to be going on. well, i mean, the whole area is a war zone now. helicopters in the skies. armed police officers everywhere. the entire area is blocked. it s a very heavily armed area. a great deal of confusion and chaos. no one really knows exactly, other than [ inaudible ] the security that exists at this particular moment. the whole area is the police are not allowing anyone to approach the parliament itself. we are blocked in a very tiny area around the parliament. are you able to get out, fawaz, or stationary? are people with you? do you have to stay where you are? absolutely. we re staying where we are because there s tremendous armed activity by the police.