Glad to hear Steve Paulson is talking about the weather we have this morning. Lets ask him, yes, there are some locations. It is maybe and the warm category. This is a cooler pattern for us. It looks like this will go until the end of the month. That is what we are seeing so far. Thunderstorm activity is not only can bind to the sierra nevada. Northern sacramento valley, that is something to keep an eye on if youre in that direction. Santa rosa, concord, they are all cloudy. A little bit warmer today, 24 degrees warmer, even though there are subtle changes. There is an onshore wind that troubles 30 miles an hour. The low off the coast is toward central colorado. You can see the activity firing up over the afternoon hours in the northern mountains and the sierras. It is still slightly below average for inland temperatures. Taylor daines, i will always love you. Okay. Lets get over to sal. Lets see if anything is going this is when guys had ban on. We are quiet out there. Buttons. They l
Enjoy booktv now and over the weekend on cspan2. [inaudible conversations] all right. Good evening ladies and tillman. My name is jasmyne post. Im a scholar here at university of louisville and its an honor to welcome you to our Mcconnell Center event. In celebration of Constitution Day we thank you for joining us for debate on did america have christian founding . Its my pleasure to introduce aa moderator for this the next debate. Olde providence 24th dean or the Brandeis School law at the university of louisville. Prior to becoming too brandeis Dean Crawford said at the robert professor of environment the tw at Tulane University law school in new orleans. Before killing he was a tenured member of the faculty at Georgia State University College of law in atlanta where he found and codirected the center for comparative study of metropolitan growth which has developed new models for fieldbased fuelbased education and comparative and environmental landuse law. Dean crawford is a lot of t
In the house today work on two veterans bills and recommendations for modernizing congress. You are watching live coverage on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our guest chaplain, reverend erin keys, capitol hill presbyterian, washington dis. The chaplain let us pray, god, we ask you blessing upon all those gathered here today and upon our nation as we along with countries all over the world face the anxiety and fear currently surrounding the coronavirus. Though much about how the situation will continue to unfold is unknown to us. We trust that it is known to you. From the beginning of time, your spirit has hovered over the chaos of our world bringing order and life so we pray that your spirit continues to do so now. We pray for the safety of all people and we pray for the wisdom of our leaders as they guide us through this time. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and anno
I will have to be strict with the gavel. The witnesses have a tight timeframe, i know you will all cooperate with that. Let us begin. Welcome, mr. Secretary. We are glad that you are here. We have a lot to take up and every bit of it is obviously serious. The chair now recognizes herself for an Opening Statement let me begin with this, mr. Secretary. I think that confusion is the enemy of preparedness. Confusion is the enemy of preparedness. I believe that the administrations lack of fairness the Coronavirus Response is on full display. Markets are reacting, in some part, to the lack of trusted information amongst many other factors. Our government has to speak with credibility and authority. Instead, it is like a greek chorus chanting through the state. That adds to the confusion. There are key questions that need to be addressed for the American People. What is the full plan should this virusinfected american in high numbers what is the plan for increasing diagnostic capacity . Limit
Wash authors april ryan and cal thomas sunday on book tv on cspan2. Health alec cesar health and Human Services secretary azar was in washington. He talked about the federal government response to the outbreak and testifying on the president s 2021 budget request. The second panel on the Coronavirus Response, those questions will be limited to five minutes, which is the usual case. Only 10 members will be able to ask questions during that round. I will have to be strict with the gavel. Since the witnesses have a tight timeframe and i know that you will all cooperate with that. Let us begin. Welcome, mr. Secretary. We are glad that you are here. We have a lot to take up and every bit of it is obviously series. The chair recognizes yourself for five and its for an opening statement. Let me begin with this. , mr. Secretary i think that confusion is the enemy of preparedness. Confusion is the enemy of preparedness. I believe that the administrations lack of coordination for the Coronavirus