Capture Silver Spring with your camera. Attend the DC Transportation & the Environment roundtable. Remove invasive plants in Reservation 630 West. Learn environmental home maintenance techniques. Read more in this week’s events post.
Join Dan Reed, GGWash’s regional policy director, at our first ever office hours. Provide testimony at DC’s Performance Oversight Hearings. Discuss the intersection of race, history, and Rock Creek Park. Read more in this week’s events post.
Despite budgetary challenges, the DC Council wants to create a District Waterways Management Authority as well as a District Waterways Management Commission to ensure the area’s waterways continue to be an asset.
Black Lives Matter Plaza could have monthly street traffic closures if Mayor Bowser s FY 2022 budget is approved. Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser submitted her administration’s proposed budget to DC Council Thursday for Fiscal Year 2022, kicking off a hearing and approval process that will stretch over the next few months.
The $17.5 billion dollar budget got a boost over the prior year largely due to federal stimulus dollars, administration officials said at a press conference.
You can see the whole budget here. Below is some of what we know is in the budget so far after today’s presentation: