A guideline update reaffirms that tympanostomy tubes should not be considered in children with otitis media without middle ear effusion at the time of assessment for the procedure.
Protesta y falta de acuerdos entre las fracciones parlamentarias, enmarcaron la última sesión del segundo periodo ordinario del tercer año de la 64 Legislatura, misma que se mantiene en receso y se prevé reanudar este jueves.
Debido a la protesta que realizaron habitantes y regidores de la Villa de Zaachila para exigir la revocación de mandato contra el presidente municipal Cástulo Bretón Mendoza, las actividades legislativas iniciaron alrededor de las 14:00 horas e
Catherine Delahaye via Getty Images
A preliminary survey suggests that many parents may be reluctant to get their child the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.
For months, medical groups have sounded the alarm about the possibility of widespread COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among parents whenever one becomes available for children.
And new data suggests that concern isn’t unfounded.
A poll of 1,000 parents with children in K-12 public schools conducted by the National Parents Union (a nationwide network of groups and activists that represents parents of color) found that 40% would not commit to giving their child the COVID-19 vaccine when one becomes available.