At the end of the 94th Congress, opponents of statist economic inter- vention had reason to congratulate each other: the proposed Agency for Consumer Advocacy had failed to get off the ground. Ironically, the House Judiciary Committee is now considering a bill which would create similar opportunities for Federal harrassment of private en- terprise but which goes under a completely different name. The bill is ELR. 5528, the "Legal Services Corporation Amendments Act of 1977." The Legal Services Corporation h as already shown great ingenuity in using its legislative mandate as a base for aggressive social acti- vism. The original justification for the legal services program-was rather similar to that of a local Legal.Aid Society: -to funnel assis- tance to imp o verished persons who need legal counsel. Through imag- inative interpretation of poverty standards, generous use of "class action" suits in which only some of the members of the affected class may actually b