Former MP Ahmad Nabil Al-Fadl, (born in 1977), and contesting the National Assembly elections from the Second Constituency is considered one of the best and most prominent former representatives, and one of the few whose reputation was not tainted by any unacceptable “parliamentary” practices. He
MMA receives official recognition in Tajikistan Thursday, 29 April 2021
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has received Government recognition in Tajikistan after 18 months of successful development work by the country s National Federation.
The Tajikistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation (TAJMMAF) achieved its long-awaited goal when Tajikistan’s Committee of Youth Affairs and Sports confirmed it was listed in the nation’s official registry of sports.
This significant moment - which follows a fruitful official visit from the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) President Kerrith Brown - has come as a next step after the TAJMMAF obtained official organisational accreditation from the Committee of Youth Affairs and Sports in November 2019.