Here is the response on behalf of PAWB, Pobl Atal Wylfa B/People AgainstWylfa B (Ynys Môn and Arfon) and CADNO, Cymdeithas Atal Dinistr NiwclearOesol (Dwyfor and Meirionnydd) to the Welsh Government's review of renewable energy targets. Generally, there is much to welcome in the government's discussion paper.However, in response to Proposal 1, we would like…
Marine Deaths of harbour porpoise, dolphin, pilot whale, sealsand other protected species following last August's seismic blastinglooking at the geology of the Irish Sea for a deep sub-sea nuclear dumphave prompted calls for a halt and an investigation. A legal challenge has been threatened by campaigners against further seismic blasting in the search areas which…
France's EDF has restarted the 1.5-GW Civaux-2 reactor while delaying bothplanned maintenance and returns elsewhere amid ongoing worker strikes,transparency data showed April 24. EDF further delayed planned return datesfor Gravelines 1 and Blayais 1, where strikes have been ongoing for overfive weeks. The start of maintenance at Cruas 4 was also delayed further,with annual refueling…
Heatwaves are becoming more frequent under climate change and can lead tothousands of excess deaths. Adaptation to extreme weather events oftenoccurs in response to an event, with communities learning fast followingunexpectedly impactful events. Using extreme value statistics, here we showwhere regional temperature records are statistically likely to be exceeded,and therefore communities might be more at-risk.…
By David Fraser, The Canadian Press, Tue., April 25, 2023 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asserted that Canada is “veryserious” about developing nuclear technology across the country to meetgrowing power needs, but some members of Parliament are warning thetechnology could be costly and ineffective. A Liberal MP is among the critics who say Ottawa is looking…