DHB cyber attack escalates to national crisis - urgent meeting called
Waikato DHB. (Photo / NZ Herald)
DHB cyber attack escalates to national crisis - urgent meeting called Wed, 26 May 2021, 4:57PM
The country s biggest ever cyber attack has been escalated to a national crisis with top level Government officials holding an urgent meeting to discuss a plan of action.
Health Minister Andrew Little says the meeting, involving the Officials Committee for Domestic and External Security Co-ordination (ODESC), is being held in Wellington this afternoon. The crisis response to the ransomware attack on the Waikato DHB has been stepped up. The Ministry of Health is increasing its resourcing of the dedicated response team, Little said.
The Bulletin: It could happen again
Good morning and welcome to The Bulletin. In today’s edition: Risks of another Covid outbreak appear to be rising, Waikato DHB hack attack now biggest in NZ’s history, and OCR kept steady with future rises forecast.
We’ve all fallen off the wagon here, but it might be time to start taking preventative measures against Covid more seriously. A couple of pieces have highlighted how real the risk still is for New Zealand, with experts warning that winter could bring fresh outbreaks. Newsroom’s Marc Daalder has wrapped up a few recent international examples of elimination strategies collapsing, which have some similarities with New Zealand’s situation – except in some cases for the island borders. And as Stuff’s Bridie Witton reports, experts are warning that it could happen here too.