Closing out Week 16 of the 2023 Legislative Session - S.5, the Clean Heat Standard bill was approved by the House this past week. The bill sets up a marketplace.
Closing out Week 15 of the 2023 Legislative Session - The front door of the state house was opened wide at the end of this past week, signaling the advent of warm weather.
Closing out Week 14 of the 2023 Legislative Session - As we head into week 15 of the legislative session, the House Ways and Means committee is continuing work on.
Closing our Week 13 of the 2023 Legislative Session - The Senate voted out S.100, the Omnibus Housing Bill. A widely anticipated floor fight over an amendment that would.
Closing out Week 12 of the 2023 Legislative Session - This past week the House passed H.230, an act relating to implementing mechanisms to reduce suicide. The bill.