Over 132 kg of ganja worth Rs 39.15 lakh meant to be distributed in Mangaluru, Bengaluru and Kerala was seized by sleuths attached to CCB, Mangaluru. The ganja shipment from Visakhapatnam was intercepted near Kayargoli village in Mudipu Kurnadu gram panchayat limits, on the city's outskirts, by CCB police team led by Inspector Mahesh Prasad on Thursday evening. "Two youths,
Swachh Survekshan-2021: MCC creates awareness on usage of alternative products in place of banned plastics
February 11, 2021
Mysore/Mysuru: In a bid to create awareness on using alternative products in place of banned plastics, the Mysuru City Corporation (MCC), as part of
Swachh Survekshan – 2021, created awareness on recyclable plastic at an event organised in front of Dufferin Clock Tower yesterday.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rohini Sindhuri, who stated that plastic was more dangerous than a nuclear bomb, said that many have shun plastic products and more and more people were now seen carrying cloth bags for shopping. Pointing out that a lot of women Self Help Groups (SHGs) were indulged in manufacturing cloth bags and paper covers, the DC said that there were plans to open two outlets for them to sell their products.