A proposal for the Flying M Ranch property development was unanimously denied by Garfield County Commissioners on Monday, marking the second rejection of plans for this site. The latest proposal, which emerged in April, sought.
Out of control with tax dollars The Roaring Fork School Board is out of control on spending our tax dollars. They have gone from making school district decisions to now being developers, landlords and a.
Supporters of restricting graphic novels at Garfield County Libraries claim Sheriff Lou Vallario will arrest anyone on site for carrying these books in public. Their claims permeated a regular Garfield County Commission meeting on Monday..
Garfield County commissioners directed its library board to ensure "pornographic materials" aren't accessible to children at public libraries and can't be checked out by young people.
Converting this historic Glenwood Springs green space into workforce housing has so far been a long walk in the park. Glenwood Springs currently looks to build an estimated 100-150 workforce housing units on the Vogelaar.