Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday expressed condolences on the demise of five labourers, hailing from Katihar, who lost their lives after the structure of an under-construction building collapsed in Pune's Yerawada late at night on Thursday.
Earlier in the day, Pune Police registered FIR against a contractor and detained three people in connection with the death of five labourers following the collapse of a steel structure at a construction site last night, Commissioner Amitabh Gupta informed.
Pune Police on Friday registered FIR against a contractor and detained three people in connection with the death of five labourers following the collapse of a steel structure at a construction site last night, Commissioner Amitabh Gupta informed.
In a big swoop, the state Cyber Police have arrested the Commissioner of Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE) for alleged malpractices in the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET), officials said here on Friday.
In a big swoop, the state Cyber Police have arrested the Commissioner of Maharashtra State Council of Examination (MSCE) for alleged malpractices in the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET), officials said here on Friday."The MSCE Commissioner .