Manitoba RCMP issue 60 tickets related to COVID-19 enforcement calls from May 3 to 9
Corwyn Friesen, mySteinbach
Posted on 05/12/2021 at 9:00 am
A total of 97 warnings and 60 tickets were issued for the week of May 3 to 9, including 50 $1,296 tickets to individuals for various offences, nine $298 tickets to individuals for failure to wear a mask in indoor public places and one $5,000 ticket to a business.
Officials advise 47 of the 50 $1,296 tickets issued were in relation to gatherings in private residences or outdoors, and three tickets issued for failure to self-isolate.
Manitoba Justice officials continue to followup and investigate all large gathering and rallies they are made aware of and advise an additional 32 $1,296 tickets were issued in relations to rallies. This includes two tickets from the Winkler rally on May 1, eight tickets from The Forks rally on May 1, and 22 tickets from the Law Courts rally on May 3. All events remain under investigation and additional charg
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The province is ramping up its efforts in issuing fines and warnings to people violating public health orders. Here s a breakdown of the fines:
- 97 warnings and 60 tickets iwere issued for the week of May 3 to 9:
- 50 tickets worth $1,296 each were issued to people for various offences
- Nine tickets worth $298 each were issued to people who refused to wear a mask indoors in public places and
- One ticket was issued to a business for $5,000
Gatherings in private residences made up the bulk of the tickets issued as 47 were handed out for a total of $60,912 in fines. Three tickets totalling just under $4,000 were handed out to people failing to self isolate.
A total of 112 warnings and 58 tickets were issued for the week of April 26 to May 2, including 42 $1,296 tickets to individuals for various offences, 12 $298 tickets to individuals for failure to wear a mask in indoor public places and four $5,000 tickets to businesses.
Morden church facing $10,000 more in PHO enforcement fines Written by Taylor Brock Tuesday, May 04 2021, 10:13 AM Tobias Tissen speaks at a protest held outside the Law Courts building in Winnipeg. (Screenshot: Tobias Tissen/Facebook)
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Tickets are being issued to some people who attended large rallies in the past week, including at the Winnipeg Law Courts, with more fines being handed out soon.
This week s COVID-19 enforcement numbers do not reflect tickets given in Winnipeg Monday, but the province is releasing more details.
Six tickets have been given out that are not included in Tuesday s COVID-19 enforcement update, as they come from recent events. On Saturday, two tickets were issued in Winkler and Monday four in Winnipeg after rallies protesting the Public Health Orders. Provincial officials were present at both events.
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COVID enforcement officers handed out 58 tickets last week, their highest total in months.
This includes 42 $1,296 tickets of which, 33 were for gatherings in private residences, which have been banned in the last set of health orders. The other nine were for a failure to self-isolate.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Manitoba hands out 33 tickets at private gatherings last week, vaccine eligibility updated Back to video
The province issued 20 tickets for a gathering at The Forks on April 25 and have followed up with two tickets at a rally in Winkler this past Saturday and four tickets at a rally at the Winnipeg Law Courts on Monday. The rally in front of the courts was related to an eight-day hearing as seven churches challenge the health orders which have had churches shut down or under restricted capacities for much of the last 14 months. These fines will be included in next week’s report.