Doing a rally on saturday night if we have enough time to put it together. But we want to do a rally in florida on saturday night. Might come back and do one in pennsylvania the following night. The political imperative there is quite obvious. Joe biden is winning 25 days out. But the medical judgment here is questionable, especially since the white house refuses to provide key treatment details. Plus, the president is acting odd, even for him. One day he tweets an end to big stimulus talks. The next day he tweets, its imperative to have big stimulus talks. The tweets republicans wish would stop include several attacking michigans governor just after it was announced yesterday that Law Enforcement had foiled an alleged plot to kidnap and perhaps harm her. The president chose that moment to condemn the governors response to the coronavirus and suggest she doesnt thank him enough. Governor Gretchen Whitmer says the president s refusal to denounce militia groups and White Supremacists fue
Counterintelligence bill priestap after his meeting with then james comey and fbi director Andrew Mccabe whats our goal . Truth admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired . In this one he also wrote if were seen as playing games, white house will be furious. Protect our institution by not playing games. Remember. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi. He has since been seeking to have his case thrown out. His Attorney Sidney Powell is calling this an abuse of power accusing the fbi of quote take him out. No reaction from flynn yet only this tweet of the American Flag flying in the wind. Attorney general barr handling of the flynn case. And former u. S. Attorney Andy Mccarthy had this reaction. For years a number of us have been arguing that this looked like a perjury trap. We are now seeing the paper trail start to catch up with what common sense has said for a long time. Griff the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham said he wants t
Update Corona Global 12 Juli 2021: Total Kematian Akibat Covid-19 di Seluruh Dunia 4.048.856 Jiwa
Berikut update data Covid-19 di seluruh dunia per Senin, 12 Juli 2021 pukul 07.00 WIB.
Senin, 12 Juli 2021 07:19 WIB
Berikut update data Covid-19 di seluruh dunia per Senin, 12 Juli 2021 pukul 07.00 WIB.
TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut update data Covid-19 di seluruh dunia per Senin, 12 Juli 2021 pukul 07.00 WIB.
Menurut data dari, saat ini. tercatat sudah ada 187.615.494 kasus Covid-19 di seluruh dunia.
Total 171.577.199 antaranya telah sembuh sedangkan 4.048.856 lainnya meninggal dunia.
Kasus aktif di seluruh dunia tercatat 11.989.439.
Negara dengan jumlah kasus terbanyak ditempati oleh Amerika Serikat dengan total 34.732.753 kasus.
India yang tengah menjadi sorotan karena lonjakan infeksi virus corona, per hari ini telah melaporkan 30.873.907 kasus dan catat 457.915 kasus aktif.
Kabar Vaksin Bisa Dibeli di Kimia Farma, Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR Heran, Belum Menerima Laporan
Kabar vaksin Covid-19 bisa dibeli di Kimia Farma, Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Nihayatul Wafiroh heran, belum pernah dapat laporan.
Senin, 12 Juli 2021 05:45 WIB
Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Nihayatul Wafiroh
Melalui akun Twitternya,
Kami di komisi IX belum pernah mendengar ataupun dilapori akan ada istilah Vaksin Gotong Royong Individual, apalagi beli, tulis politisi PKB itu.
Menurut sepengetahuannya, Komisi IX hanya mengenal dua jenis pemberian vaksin. Dalam pengetahuan kami jenis vaksin hanya dua. 1
Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Nihayatul Wafiroh (instagram Nihayatul Wafiroh)
Vaksin Bisa Dibeli di Kimia Farma, Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR Heran, Belum Pernah Dapat Laporan
Vaksin Covid-19 bisa dibeli di Kimia Farma, Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Nihayatul Wafiroh heran, belum pernah dapat laporan.
Minggu, 11 Juli 2021 15:13 WIB
instagram Nihayatul Wafiroh
Nihayatul Wafiroh - Vaksin Covid-19 bisa dibeli di Kimia Farma, Wakil Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI dari Fraksi PKB, Nihayatul Wafiroh heran, belum pernah dapat laporan.
Melalui akun Twitternya,
Kami di komisi IX belum pernah mendengar ataupun dilapori akan ada istilah Vaksin Gotong Royong Individual, apalagi beli, tulis politisi PKB itu.
Menurut sepengetahuannya, Komisi IX hanya mengenal dua jenis pemberian vaksin.