Embarcadaro promenade, really blessed to have two beautiful acres of open space to welcome more people to enjoy our waterfront. That is what our city does, especially in these times along our waterfront. Youve seen all the things that weve done literally in the past year. Brannon street wharf today. Last june we had the privilege of opening up just up North Jefferson street promenade. February earlier this year, we did the james cruise ship terminal, the cruise ship terminal at pier 27. Of course, last november we all did a lot of great celebration just a little bit more south here at head park, 22 acres of open space. Were literally honoring our open space obligations and doing it the right way. This particular project is impressive not only for its beauty and opening up more space, but it does in a seismically safe way and in a Sustainable Way accommodate some 75 years of projected sea level lies for our city. And thats incredible because we always are having to Pay Attention to all
Many city staff that came together who monique and mayor lee have already mentioned, but i want to thank in particular the port for your leadership over the many years, all the departments, mayor lee. I also want to thank an agency that i had the pleasure of serving on that many members of the public dont know much about, the bcdc, the bacon Certification Development commission. applause thank you, bcdc. So, those of you who dont know, bcdc is the commission that is responsible for protecting the bay, protecting the access of the public to the bay, protecting the fact that our bay had for many decades until bcdc came along, been encroached by developments that not everyone thought was appropriate. And i think its so special that we are focused today on making sure that this very spot and spots around the entire bay are protected. One of the interesting design aspects of what we stand on right now is that this is built to withstand Sea Level Rise because we know over the next 50 years,
Future with him in that role. Please join me in welcoming president chiu. applause thank you, monique, and good morning. So, when i was invited to come and participate at this event, i suggested that the elected officials, mayor lee and supervisor kim, that the three of us do a rendition of sitting on the dock by the bay. [laughter] and i just want to say thank you, otis redding, for sparing us of that. One of the things so special about that song is it refers to otis redings experience of coming from thousands of miles away. I suspect it is true for all the officials here, we all came from other parts of the country to this very sacred space called San Francisco. And my guess is everyone here, you either came from somewhere else, or you are the child of the grandchild of someone who decided to pick up from another dock from another part of the world to be where we are today. And, in fact, over 160 years ago, this was the embarkation point for thousands of immigrants, particularly the
Both mayor and chiu mentioned this. We have a new wall to recognize the special contribution that asians and Asian Americans have made to this part of the waterfront and the city. As was mentioned, 9 the waterfront was the place asian immigration came to the United States and the California Gold rush certainly brought a steady influx of Asian American laborers who helped to build the infrastructure of this country, including our railroads. On june 23rd, 1877, a huge mob attacked chinese businesses here and headed for the local symbol of chinese immigration, the pacific mall wharf where we stand today. They tried to burn the beer, but failed. I think its important that we recognize and remember our history because as we move forward, as we celebrate our victories, our progress, its really important to remember those that came before us and the history that was here today. But most importantly, im here to celebrate this open space, will be an incredibly important addition and resource fo
Working on very hard for quite sometime, and i know i have with the board. And that is our 34th americas cup. And the jobs and benefits are starting to materialize even more deliberately and were celebrating again more open space. That event has allowed us and caused us to accelerate. This project was worth every dollar of the 26. 1 million that was spent on this project. Its worth it. Projects along the waterfront are not inexpensive. As everyone here behind me can attest to, because they have to do with the challenges of water, dying piers, and all our infrastructure work that has to go with it. And, so, it is not only appropriate. We are blessed with four very contributing great resources that we use to fund this 26. 1 million. The federal Water Resources Development Act of 2007, you have to recognize that. The California Coastal conservancy. Federal appropriations. And, danielle, again, thank our leader pelosi for her wonderful support. applause always, always there for us. And the