Okay woods Restoration Program more the hours shoe courts would have shown such success i want 0 urge the commission and concerned citizens or involved citizens to value our Natural Landscapes and indignant bio diversity and support this sin wrap the Management Plan it guides the Natural Areas Program and i on coming forward to the board of supervisors for official you know package and hardwired into the rec and park culture this is important and i want to invite you all to come out to our second saturday of the month volunteer days there are lead by the superb rec and park staff listing i cant is the wonderful leader sitting right over there and clapping. and they have amount staff very knowledgeable like the supreme nature guides thats all i have to say thank you folks for what the do and. Rob thank you. Thank you clapping moving right along dont forget this very valuable the San Francisco Botanical Garden grows and sxheefrz plant from around the world more than hundred and 50 open s
Function. It is designed to operate with nine justices as every member of the extreme case occurred when the justice resigned from the courts so his son ramsey would not have to face the issue but it demonstrates powerfully. But i really do think the justices should wrestle with a and embark on a course of conduct that eliminates this entirely. Because of financial interest. If one becomes the justice of the court then i think there is a deal. It is the implicit deal to order the Financial Affairs to conduct yourself as a justice and do your duty. There may come in times with one death in the family there may be a process but i would hope the justices would move to a system since they are not subject to the code of judicial conduct that has no authority over the Supreme Court of the United States so self regulation or heaven Forbid Congress getting into the session that you will decide every case of less you have the of a decade in or tom clark type of issue. Even if this is in the bud
Victory came the vindication of a leader who wants to actually lead through hard times. His call to common concern. Bidens call to coming together. What beats deep in the hearts of the American People is this, democracy. The right to be heard, to have your vote counted, to choose leaders of this nation to govern ourselves. In america, politicians dont take power. People grant power to them. The flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago. And we now know nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power can extinguish that flame. It is my sincere hope we never genesee anyone subjected to the kind of threats and abuse we saw in this election. Its simply unconscionable. Even more stunning, 17 republican attorneys general and 126 republican members of the congress actually, they actually signed on to a lawsuit filed by the state of texas. Democracy prevailed. We, the people, voted. Faith in our institutions held. The integrity of our elections remains intact. And now its tim
Hello ladies and gentlemen of district five my name is london ried and i am asking for your vote for the district of supervisors. I grew up on the same street that all live on, ride our bikes, walk in the parks, shop and eat and take our kids to school. For the last ten years, i have been the executive director of the African American art complex, a 34,000 art space where the kids have program in the arts where local artists come together and different San Francisco communities form and strengthen our common bond. I grew up in plaza east Public Housing. It was a tough place back then, as a number of places in the district still are. The economic and family circumstances for everyone were pretty dire. I saw family and friends lost to the streets, to prison and death including two of my siblings, i saw terrible poverty, crime, drugs, hopelessness and violence and joblessness but that was not all that we had. Those people that i grew up have something else, a fighting experience resilienc
Entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams. With my experience working with local organization and San Francisco Law Enforcement, i will create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the district that will lower street crime and Gang Violence and above all i will help San Francisco to be a leader. We will build bike lanes that will connect the city and reconnect the parks and find new ways to power our city in a way that is better for the planet and for our own wallets. I am not alone in having the vision for the future of San Francisco that i do, im extremely proud of the people and organizations that have endorsed my candidacy because they share the hopes and the dreams, and the passion of the people that i have always depended on. They are far apart from one another on individual issues but they share my belief that working together we can achieve anything. My supporters include, California Attorney general har ris, state senator yen, rashelle, norton, wynn, they gave me their sole