Managements the pucs policy through a accomplished scorecard from the sfpuc for the portfolio of over one hundred metrics and the metrics are selected from the utility model and organized the policy model scorecard highlights the areas of High Performance and those requiring improvement and to date the scorecards has been present to working groups and other meeting and published in the sfpuc website this scorecard valid dates the sfpuc management of financial anal resources this is exemplified through our awards and other acknowledgement as the rate policy insurance policy and card are new opportunity to refine the metrics to create a mess for the reader and audience future things revisiting the Insurance Company area to make sure their applicable to the Current Missions of the institutes and taking the opportunity to reflect the new prior and policy in advance of 2 year cycle the scorecard is from a cumulative puc and Controllers Office to develop the annual scorecard oath option for
You or i can use the best practices for reduction weve started the identification for the pair program were doing it in two ways from the ami data and another in the system we use devices to find leaks throughout our Distribution System and targeted around june 1st weve talked about at the next meeting but the detection front if you have a meter and gotten one in the mail the information you may have a leak we suggest you read it carefully and look at the automatic data for 3 days the consumption does go to zero this is a leak it is a continuance consumption nobody leaves water running all the time so that is probable a leak weve been sending them out to computers and you should do something on your side of the meter so in summary the snowpack is pathetic theres no snow up there and needless that is a dry year we anticipate hetch hetchy will be around 80 percent i saw maybe 78 percent weve been doing this and well issue the estimate to the wholesales customers but the system with the a
Additional unit in a place that make sense the open space exception is not a huge issue given what i saw from the planned i move to approve. Second. Commissioners on that motion to approve with condition. Commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards additional commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero Zoning Administrator what say you. Close public hearing and it is allows the for that requirement to be waved and not Historic Resource that appears to be thanks. Very good commissioners moving to item 14 ab on fulsome street it is yet another conditional use authorization variance to be considered. Good afternoon rick with the Department Staff continuation a conditional use authorization for the proposed project at 1174 fulsome the project sponsor wants a conditional use to establish larger than 14 feet the proposed project is demolition of the two existing industrial building and new construction with a 66 f
Wells fargo he was the more of a china exerted they noted somebody that was a california expert that is what the chinese were looking for anyway very interesting gentleman and then this modern chamber of commerce a map month to month lead to a meeting of the chairman of the board of the American Chamber of commerce in shanghai about sort of a force of nature we had a very long month to month. He has a house in San Francisco. He has a house in San Francisco laughter he had leave excellent ideas how to you put us in touch with highlevel people to help us without u out with the cargo issues ill leave it with that weve continuing to develop relationship were continually to do that in the future. Thanks jim after the month to month living breathing with the filipinos and the port of shanghai we got communication from the port of shapg hi bringing a delegation of their folks to locate the waterfront and marina developed theyre taking this relationship seriously and it is about relationships
Accusation our spending is high so that policy was drafted specifically to he would e deal with that issue it starts theres a lot of stuff we dont control our spending we dont control wages those are determined by mous that are negotiated by the city on our above theres a whole lot of stuff we dont control accident policy focuses on those relatively few things we control specifically on the decision process that management has in place that effects cost structures and it has in there some specific statements of policy that i think we should have a report on each one of those and one of those we will put the capital plan together you know using life cycle costing it is not simple that is the kind of thing that there are cases that are not appropriate we should have a discussion very specific language in there about how we fund our growth in terms of positions that we try to take advantage of productivity and swop out old positions for new positions i think it is going well but have a re