Emergency and to protect Commission Members to the employees and the public, the meeting rooms at city hall are closed. However, Commission Members and staff will be participating in todays meeting remotely. This pursuant to the various local, state and federal orders declaration and directives. Commissioner members will attend the meeting through Video Conference and participate in a meeting to the same extent if they were physically present. Viewing today and todays Commission Meeting may vary depending on the method used to connect to this remote meeting. Viewers watching, will see only the speaker on their screen while those viewing in web ex will see commissioners and other individuals participating in todays meeting. Public made will be on each item this agenda. You will have sf gov. Org are streaming the dialin number for Public Comment across the screen. You can call in 14084189388. Again, that number is 408 4189388. The access code for this meeting is 1469350205. The access is
This meeting will reflect that due to covid19, Health Emergency and to protect Commission Members to the employees and the public, the meeting rooms at city hall are closed. However, Commission Members and staff will be participating in todays meeting remotely. This pursuant to the various local, state and federal orders declaration and directives. Commissioner members will attend the meeting through Video Conference and participate in a meeting to the same extent if they were physically present. Viewing today and todays Commission Meeting may vary depending on the method used to connect to this remote meeting. Viewers watching, will see only the speaker on their screen while those viewing in web ex will see commissioners and other individuals participating in todays meeting. Public made will be on each item this agenda. You will have sf gov. Org are streaming the dialin number for Public Comment across the screen. You can call in 14084189388. Again, that number is 408 4189388. The acc
It will not attract a larger area around the field. They say theyre requesting usage so its not to restrict feud planned or change use of this field. It leave open for all sorts of use in the future. Disrupting our family time and we havent even have kinner together so please i am hoping ha we will not approve this permit. You have 40 questions remaining. Good evening, honourable commissioners, my name is Molly Mcfadden and im an alum new as well as an allumni representative for the class of 2014. And im a resident of the sunset district and has been my life of 24 years. And im calling in support many of which were hinder. They have completed the field after practise and locking away our this was inconvenient and scary as a young woman who stands at 53 and 115 pounds walk to go my car in the dark. Our students and coached walked me to my car. If you approval this project, all students and Staff Members as well as our neighbours can feel safe walking own to their vehicles and. You are 4
Committee in january of 2019 and i quote, the United States and the world will remain vulnerable to the next pandemic where large scale outbreak of contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls from the United States for support. We must ask ourselves what are the warnings and what can we do right now to protect the American People from other threats. Before the unthinkable happens in the future, how can we exercise strategic and precisive foresight to the best of our ability today to ensure are a nation prepared for tomorrow. That same worldwide threat assessment Cyber Attacks is a top global threat with china, russia, iran, and north korea. Raging a silent war capable of shutting down with such Information Systems and critical sectors in america. The report states, and i quote, our adversaries and strategic competitors increasingly use the Cyber Capabilities including
This program originally livestreamed on facebook and youtube and is part of a series of Online Events intended to keep visitors connected with mount vernon during its closure to the public because of the coronavirus pandemic. Mr. Bradburn here we are again. Welcome back. My name is doug bradburn. It is my delight to have these opportunities to talk about George Washington. Last wednesday, we were in our museum. This is our Education Center here at mount vernon. It focuses on the life of George Washington. It gives a grand sense of why he matters. Last time, we were looking at his youth, a youth that is oftentimes enwrapped in romance and myth. Of course, he is most known to americans and perhaps the folks around the world as the great military commander, the general who led the americans through the american war for independence, through eight long years of war. His identity as a warrior is a crucial one. We think about who was George Washington, how did he think of himself and his tim