Amendment number four. It deals with requirements for pilot disposal. And let me say first, dr. Coburn, anything you would like to say . Okay. Bob, if you are ready. There is an effort here to see if they can expose excess property. I have had questions as to why it is in the bill, but that is where the majority is and maybe even more. I want to make sure local governments are notified of proposed disposal property inside a local governments jurisdiction. So this amendment, which i understand has been accepted, will require local governments be notified of any properties in the jurisdiction which are made part of the expedited Pilot Program. Let me make a couple comments. I think this is a good amendment and i am pleased dr. Coburn and i have been able to come to an amendment. The Pilot Program was established under real proper legislation and it is incorporated into the this proposal the direct of the Surplus Properties will be disposed of into the program and any Agency Looking to di
This is the exigent price increase. The exigent price increase becomes the baseline and cpi begins in 2015 and going for. Not cpi plus one, but Going Forward. If there is some kind of agreement between the Postal Service and the prc on a new rate structure, fine. If not, we stay at cpi. In the bottom righthand corner of this spreadsheet, the most important number to me, and i think to dr. Coburn, is net cash balance at the end of 2023 of 7 billion. That sounds like a lot of money, but that is out of 750 billion over a tenyear period. Less than 1 . This assumes no recession for 10 years, we are concerned about that. What the postmaster has done, at our urging, to recognize that 10 years is a long time with no recession, and to tamp down revenues on the out years. They have reduced their forecast expectations. By 1 billion in 2021 and 2022. We will still probably have a recession, but we have urge the Postal Service to be conservative, the adjustments they have made does that. The most i
Let me say that again. The modification makes clear that the Postal Service Must Immediately begin implementing any changes recommended in the reports. This amendment would have a group of experts look at this issue before recommending what, if any changes to current law would be prudent. It recommends the bureau of inspection services, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, and the department of justice submit reports to the house and senate regarding the security changes, if any, that need to be made across the country should the carrying of firearms consistent with state law be allowed on Postal Properties or inside postal offices. My amendment then requires the postmaster general to submit a report to the committees of jurisdiction in the house and senate for the cost estimates of the security changes and whether these would necessitate facility closures or relocations. The postmaster general would also be required to make recommendations regarding the feasibility of amendin
That information was provided to the ways and Means Committee. We have not been able to pursue whether there are 6, 12 or 15 because once the ig started, we agreed we would not pursue those issues until they completed their investigation. Now, just a last question. When the doj was here the other day, and this was you were asked about this a bit earlier. They talked about the fact that they had not gotten information about the crash back in april. So they got it in june, i think, like everybody else. Why is that . When we in april, determined that in fact there had been a hard drive crash and some emails may have been lost, our next step was to in fact investigate how many emails did we actually have and could we find, and our plan and proposal was we would pull all of that information together, including information about custodians and make a public presentation to the committees including a description of why it takes us so long in our archaic system to actually respond to requests
How many lerner emails we could have, u asked the industry standards for hard drive cra crashes. Sometimes 5 within the warranty period. Older computers, it goes as high as 10 to 15 . I ask we do a review to determine if any of them had hard drive crashes and caused any loss of emails. We have over 2,000 crashes already this year, but all of those didnt result in loss of e emails. You could lose emails without your hard drive crashing. To complete our review of exactly what were the situations with regard to the production of documents, that is coming to closure because the i. G. Is looking at all of that. Thank you. And mr. Koskinen, on june 20th you testified before the ways and Means Committee that even after discovering the hard drive crash you said, the irs took multiple steps over the past months to assess the situation and produce as much email as possible for which lerner was an author or resip yecipientrecipi. During this time we were identifying and reviewing lerner ema email