by eub2 last modified 15 April 2021
The European took steps on 14 April to ensure that borrowing under the temporary recovery instrument NextGenerationEU will be financed on the most advantageous terms for EU Member States and their citizens.
What did the Commission decide on 14 April 2021 and why is it important?
NextGenerationEU – at the heart of the EU s response to the
coronavirus pandemic – will be funded by borrowing on the capital
markets. We will raise up to around €800 billion between now and end
This would translate into borrowing volumes of on average roughly
€150 billion per year, which will make the EU one of the largest issuers
Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC), gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 april 2021.
What did the Commission decide on 14 April 2021 and why is it important?
NextGenerationEU - at the heart of the EU s response to the coronavirus pandemic - will be funded by borrowing on the capital markets. We will raise up to around €800 billion between now and end 2026.
This would translate into borrowing volumes of on average roughly €150 billion per year, which will make the EU one of the largest issuers in euro. All borrowing will be repaid by 2058.
While the Commission has been borrowing before - to support EU Member States and third countries - the volumes, frequency and complexity of the NextGenerationEU borrowing have called for a fundamental change in the approach to capital markets.