ASIA 2025: The Global Powerhouse? An ASEAN-China-India Panel Discussion
Veröffentlicht am 08.03.2021
Quo vadis? is probably today´s most frequently asked question in almost every field – economy, business, social and private live, education, politics… What are we up to with and beyond the pandemic? In this concluding panel discussion, rounding up our ASEAN Forum – Going digital webinar series, we will focus on and discuss some insights as to the economic development to be expected in and beyond Asia – in light of and beyond the pandemic, the change of power in the United States and Brexit. We were honored to share the stage with Charlie Lay, senior economist at Commerzbank Singapore, Justyna Lasik, Head of Economic and Trade Section at Delegation of the European Union to Singapore, and David Bachmann, Austrian Trade Commissioner for Singapore at Advantage Austria, who kindly moderated our panel discussion.