<p><span>The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) today announced winners of the prestigious SET Awards 2022. The Best CEO Awards of SET-listed companies was presented to Pitharn Ongkosit, President and Chief Executive Officer of KCE Electronics pcl (KCE); the Best CEO Awards of mai-listed companies was granted to Boonsak Kiatjaroonlert, Chief Executive Officer of Kumwell Corporation pcl (KUMWEL); and Young Rising Star CEO Awards was bestowed to Tritecha Tangmatitham, Managing Director of Supalai pcl (SPALI).</span></p>
<p><span>The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)</span><b> </b><span>announces a shortlist of 18 CEOs for the </span><b>CEO Awards</b><span>, 84 companies for the </span><b>Business Excellence</b><span> </span><b>Awards</b><span>, and 63 companies for the </span><b>Sustainability Excellence</b><span> </span><b>Awards</b><span>. The nominations demonstrate best-in-class business performance in today s challenging environments, coupled with focus on sustainability and readiness to be model organization in the capital market. </span><b>SET Awards 2022</b><span>’s winner announcement and award presentation ceremony will take place on October 28.</span></p>
<p>The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) together with Money & Banking magazine announced 694<i> </i>listed companies qualified for<i> </i>SET Awards 2022 in the preliminary round before selection, winner announcement and award presentation ceremony will be taken place in November 2022. SET Awards this year will feature a series of new awards namely<i> </i>Best REIT Performance Award, ESG-related awards under the Best Asset Management Awards’ type, and new group of awards for the Sustainability Excellence category.</p>