J f I Carmichael Sacramento 7 10 am the word where faith comes by hearing. While it s true that putting our faith in Christ secures our eternal destiny with God and also read James s from the penalty of our sin it s not true that following Christ solves all our problems no where in scripture do we find evidence that walking with God is easy today on inside for a living Chuck Swindoll continues our verse by verse study through Paul s 2nd letter to Timothy and during the next half hour we ll be reminded of the sobering realities that often come with our Christian journey will begin with prayer before hearing the message Chuck titled traveling a rough and rugged road that. We have expressed to you our father to the best of our abilities and from the depth of our hearts are her deepest words of praise gratitude thank you for your word it lives in abides forever grass may with her and the flower may fade but the word of the Lord will endure forever that word is alive and active in shores f
Far from where the bend Category 4 hurricane Harvey plow to shore late Friday night Mr Trump will then come here to Texas is capital city to get up briefing with state leaders on the unfolding dire situation now tropical storm Harvey is still looking beyond touring just off the coast of Galveston and it continues to dump very heavy rain across areas of Texas Louisiana and Mississippi there are new flash flood warnings this morning across coastal areas of the 3 states in a sobering reality some places have yet to see the worst of it I m Jim Crystal in Austin Texas not with more c.b.s. News here s Bill Ray call Japan s has North Korea s latest missile launch which flew over that island nation was a reckless and unprecedented threat reporter Don Kirk and Seoul says the test seems to validate North Korea s capability of launching missiles toward the u.s. Territory of Guam this missile went exactly that distance that it would have gone to Guam it went in another direction but it would seem
Packaged food and drink because it is less costly 20 percent sweeter than broth sugar upon consuming and ingesting it into your body is converted into fat and is a metabolize or in the liver a process which is known as the no word like the Genesis removing it from them diet can contribute to stopping hunger and sugar cravings as well as Lutherans extra pounds you might want to get rid of as a matter of fact Professor Green Mark Swartz and her colleagues at for universal in California said removing through toes from one s daily meals can contribute to treating type 2 diabetes nonalcoholic fatty liver disease obesity and cardiovascular disease without having to resort to prescription medicine it s important to understand what we are doing 12 bodies and what we are putting into that so you can avert ingesting too much high fructose corn syrup voting for a 30 year career and mixed drinks and stopping the purchase of processed foods altogether you can also opt to make your own salad dressi
As a consequence of being gang raped when she was 12 and then I just like fact girls and if I m fat. But more than that I really wanted to just be bigger so that I could fight harder the rape also lead to sexual fear and confusion the idea of sex with anyone regardless of gender was. Kind of terrifying but men were infinitely more terrifying than women ever could be her memoir is also about being the daughter of middle class Haitian immigrants and about not fitting into the narrative of blackness She also wrote the collection of. First. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington and she Stevens 22 year old auto warm beer has died one week after being returned home from North Korea in a coma and warm beer was jailed in the communist nation for year and a half allegedly for stealing a propaganda poster N.P.R. s Michele Kelemen has reaction to his death auto war beers parents say the quote awful torturous way their son was treated in North Korea ensured that no other outcome was possible Presid
Chief if he wasn t doing a good job or simply he was not doing a good job this after an unannounced meeting with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as the vice president was arriving on Capitol Hill Fox Radio s John Decker live at the White House Vice President Mike Pence also defending the decision by President Trump to fire f.b.i. Director James Comey already this morning the president is in the process of evaluating individuals who will be able to fill that spot leave the f.b.i. And restore the confidence the American people told me said the president was following the recommendation of deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein who wrote in a memo that he cannot defend Comix handling of the bureau s investigation into Hillary Clinton s use of a private e-mail server while she served as secretary of state Lisa thanks John the White House emphasizing that Rosenstein was only confirmed 2 weeks ago and sent his recommendation to the president yesterday but critics still think the t