1830: William R. Hackley recorded in his diar: Rose with the sun. After breakfast read the Prediction. About noon the Sloop Hyder Aly of New York, Captain J. Place, who
1830: William Hackley recorded his in diary. Rose a little after sunrise and read the “Acts.” I am now reading the “Acts” for the second time to try and ground
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding. Remarks: Monday, September 9th Moderate and pleasant breezes from the Eastward. Lat. 29.13 N. Long. 38.09
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding: Remarks, Monday, August 5 At 3 p.m. lost sight of the Berry Islands, and about the