1906: Commander Beehler of Naval Station Key West reported the receipt at the wireless telegraph station of an eight-word message from Colon, Panama, over 1000 miles away.
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding. Remarks: Monday, September 9th Moderate and pleasant breezes from the Eastward. Lat. 29.13 N. Long. 38.09
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding. Remarks: Tuesday, September 3rd No important event this day, weather the same as yesterday. Lat. 30.22
1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding: Remarks, Monday, July 1st While last at Havanna an American Sloop arrived at that Port which