I’m a big fan of anthropomorphic art. Ever since experiencing the off the chart (and admittedly rather awkward) sexiness of Robin Hood and Maid Marion in Disney’s Robin Hood at a young age, I can’t get enough of cartoon humanoid animals. Other than foxy foxes, there’s been two other absolutely stellar examples of this niche art form that have rocked my world. The first being the mind-blowingly detailed pencil work of Juanjo Guarnido in the Film Noir inspired comic book series BlackSad.
Then there’s Bryan Talbot’s romantic steampunk graphic novel adventure Grandville, in which a humanoid detective badger called Lebrock solves elaborate crimes in true Sherlock Holmes fashion. Why am I telling you all this? To reassure you, dear reader, that I am onboard with anthropomorphism being included in my favourite media. So, when I tell you that the characters in Space Cats Tactics look darn creepy and spectacularly weird, you know I’m not exaggerating.